creating food, creating crafts, creating memories, creating love, creating....a life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Baking

My mother arrived on Saturday in time for a nice ice storm to sweep through our section of New England. Stranded in the house all day Sunday, we made a huge dent in the holiday baking...we followed it up with more on Monday afternoon. The kids love this time with their grandmother, baking up way more than cookies - memories, love, family togetherness - all emerge toasty from the oven along with the cookie sheets.


Maria said...

Christine, what precious photos. I am so glad you too the three generation one with the cookies. Makes me teary-eyed, friend.

Glad you are getting to enjoy your days a bit more. I'll pray for good health for all of you.

Anonymous said...

You guys have been busy! Yum! Say hi to your mom for me!

Karen said...

I enjoyed seeing all your baking treasures. It is so much fun. Everything looked delicious!

Trish said...

I love the pics, and I love that Michael helped too! Maybe next year I'll bake some cookies again. The cheesecakes did me in LOL. Nice to see you blogging more often, m'dear ;-)