creating food, creating crafts, creating memories, creating love, creating....a life.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Russian Tea Cakes

Also known as Mexican wedding cakes, these have been traditional in my family since before I was born. They kind of 'poof' in your mouth in a cloud of sugary, buttery heaven. There is a picture of me on my first Christmas, four months old, with powdered sugar on my head while my dad is eating one of them :-)

Russian Tea Cakes

Mix thoroughyly:

1 cup butter
1/2 cup sifted confectioner's sugar (I use the bagged sugar which doesn't really require sifting anymore)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift together and stir in:

2/4 cup finely chopped nuts (I have used walnuts and pecans)

Chill dough. Roll into 1" balls. Place 2 1/2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake until set but not brown. While still warm, roll in confectioner's sugar. Cool. Roll in confectioner's sugar again.

Temp: 400F
Time: 10-12 minutes
Amount: approx 4 dozen

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Baking

My mother arrived on Saturday in time for a nice ice storm to sweep through our section of New England. Stranded in the house all day Sunday, we made a huge dent in the holiday baking...we followed it up with more on Monday afternoon. The kids love this time with their grandmother, baking up way more than cookies - memories, love, family togetherness - all emerge toasty from the oven along with the cookie sheets.


Interesting note - guinea pig babies emerge fully formed, eyes wide open and all furry...and they are ADORABLE, if not a little shocking. Shocking because who knew that the guinea pig bought by the grandmother to assauge the grief of a young boy's heart would bring along two MORE little grief-assaugers!

Names are up for grabs - Kendra is lobbying for 'Ginger and Clove" to continue the spice theme (the mom's name is Nutmeg, as Connecticut is known as 'The Nutmeg State')....Colin wants 'Chip and Dale" and Michael's choice is "five and dime" for where he wants them to end up. (just kidding). We all think they are adorable, and I have no idea how we would take them back to the pet store after the 5 weeks with their mom is up...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Blog Resurrection - 'Tis the Season

My Christmas seasons since 2001 have really blown - 2002 had me battling with a 22 month old that got sick constantly (with undiagnosed Reflux disease) and we had just found out that my father may have had a horrible cancer (he did). 2003 was the year my father died 13 days before the big day. 2004 was spent in a new state, having only been in our new house for 6 weeks and a place that was very much not 'home'. 2005 my youngest had pneumonia right before the holiday turning everything into a mess, and 2006 was our first year in this new state and this time BOTH daughters had pneumonia, taking up about 17 days of December with illness. So this year I was making a huge effort to change that pattern and be ready for the bronchial illnesses, etc. I found it really hard to do, but I'm learning a lot and I'm doing it. I decided what was really important to me, and those went on my 'must do' list - and I did them first. I let a bunch of other things go that I 'usually' do and that I 'like' to do, but just didn't have the time. I love my New England Village houses to be up, but that's not going to happen this year. Michael's Christmas in the city (a lot more manageable because they are smaller in number and mush together on top of the piano) will have to do - and that's fine.

I set a deadline of yesterday to finish homemade gifts and I didn't make it - a knitting bag for my mother-in-law, a bowl for my aunt, a snowman for another aunt and some other sewn projects - so I'm going to my plan B purchased stuff, which was purchased earlier and with love, not just 'get it done' sentiments. This is huge for me - in years past I would stay up until all hours of the night finishing them regardless of the toll it took on me personally. That's why the blog went - my priorities were really focused on this being time to reflect on the meaning of the holiday and not the panic etc.

My cards are done and out (amazing for postally-challenged me), my packages that need to be sent are sent (another thing that is no small feat for me), I have my baking list. The shopping is done, the wrapping is done. This year Michael has been traveling so much that he has no idea who is getting what - he usually is more involved, or at least knows what the kids are getting - I told him he better pay attention on Christmas day so he at least has a clue. I feel a bit like Superwoman - I don't relish the part and I'm not always upbeat about this role I'm in, but I'm feeling good that I'm doing it and carrying through with it...

I'm going in a minute to New York to pick up my mom. This has been a big motivator for getting things done because the next four days will not only be non-productive for me personally, but they will go in reverse as it's another person to take care of. She's aged so much. She wants to bake but just can't remember the little things you have to do to bake, so her stuff has been coming out horribly, so we're making our 'tradition' of baking a bit longer and the kids know that we'll all help Grammy and make her feel that she's doing it herself. I'll take her back home on Tuesday night after Kendra's band concert - so the next four days will be tricky - she gets overwhelmed easily and her feelings get bruised easily as well lately - mentally it's exhausting for me, but I appreciate the fact that our time is limited and I'm trying to make the most of it. She's really getting ready for assisted living - she's not a danger to herself yet, but we're getting there...slowly her independence has been leaving her but it's happening slowly so she's not really realizing it - I take care of all her bills and her checkbook (we have power of attorney), my other sister takes the house stuff and gives Michael 'honeydo' lists, and the local sister who is a nurse has the medical stuff buttoned up. We're trying to keep her in her home of 56 years, but it's definitely work.

Anyway - I didn't follow the Holiday Grand Plan exactly, but I did about 60% of it and it helped soooo much - I'm motivated to increase my compliance next year and hope for an even more relaxing holiday....the one hour on handmade gifts a day would have been a big boon for me. :-)

I am filled with Christmas spirit and I just wanted to say (in my long-winded way) that I love my loop, I treasure them all, and my heart thinks of you all so much. Loopies that are struggling right now, you are foremost in my prayers and I really pray for peace and resolution for you in the upcoming year. This is such a tough time to be going through hard times - I definitely understand - when my dad passed and we buried him 8 days before just is so hard to see people merry and the whole thing looks like a farce. But it's not - it is now, this year - but it's not overall - keep that in your hearts.

With love, Christine